Project Description


We continue to lazily drift in circles. Ah…. the gentle rocking, the enchanting melodies of culture, like a siren, invite us to sleep. Lean back… relax. Close your eyes and let the darkness consume you.

Like the Nation of Israel, are we condemned to circle in the desert until the present generation dies off?

You see, like Israel, we the church have just one job – to receive and revere Jesus as King in every area of life. And, like Israel, we’ve fallen asleep with our hands on the plow unable to recognize salvation as He stares at us in the face.

Somehow, salvation has come to mean something tame like weekly date nights, obedient kids, 6 dollar coffee and a late arrival to the 11am.  We’ve confused comfort for compassion, tolerance for truth… indeed, we’ve exchanged death for life itself.

You see things get confusing when your eyes are closed.

Like Jesus, salvation always appears… although unexpectedly. Often it breaks in, intruding like a forearm crash upon the piano during Beethoven’s Moonlight sonata. And that is exactly what Jesus was doing when speaking to the Nation of Israel toward the close Luke chapters 12. With an authoritative forearm crash, he’s pleading for his beloved to wake up.

With Jesus, I implore you…. the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. Open your eyes, for salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.

Wake up church! Would that I could shake you, shake myself, about the shoulders to rouse us slumber. Wake… the night is far gone; the day is at hand. Let us arise to embrace our full stature and power as the Bride of Christ.

The time has come for the church to reassume her prophetic vocation as salt and light to our tasteless and dark world. Be salty – at great cost to self – defend the defenseless, reconcile the wretched and heal the hopeless.

Get back to basics… the hard, mundane and risky basics of obediently joining Jesus on his fiery march towards death. Each step, the painful death to self. Each step, the joy-filled pursuit of life for all… including you!